Sunday, January 28, 2018

January Ramble

It's been awhile since I posted. To give you an update, my GF still has a long way to go. She's still in a skilled nursing facility. All I can do is take one day at a time. One step at a time. Yesterday she had a bad time of it after dialysis. That happens quite often. Probably happens to a lot of people on dialysis. I guess it depends on your age and the advancement of renal failure.
I have been thinking of lots of things to blog about but I just never seem to write them. This week one of those things is the license plates I saw. Some always catch my eye but by the time I get home I don't remember them. Here's a few I do remember.: DAANNG for one. Another said SULKY1. And the best one I saw on Friday: MZ SUGA
I wish you a wonderful week ahead, here's a blast from the past.....


  1. ah, Love The Eagles! I get ideas for blogs at the time I just go to bed and lay down, and my mind starts racing... then when I get up the next day, I can't remember a dayum thing. I believe my mind does a "factory reset" every night! :-)

  2. I'm sorry your GF isn't recouperating faster. Is she able to get a kidney transplant? I don't know her history. Hope you have a good week to come. XX

    1. There's been no talk about a transplant. Thanks Kat, hope your week is awesome.

  3. The same thing happens to me. I get ideas, but it is always when I can't stop to write a blog and by the time I can, BAM!! they are gone!!!

    I was so hoping your lady would be home by now. I wish I could work miracles, I would make her well once again. :-(

    1. I think all great blog ideas never get into print, right?
      Thanks for your kind thoughts Lia. (-:
