Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Little This, A Little Of That

I don't have much to say, just a little. I was watching the weather on the news and that big storm coming from the south is going to put the hurt on much of the east. Amazingly it's going to miss us. Yesterday the local weather guys predicted we would see some of it. Different story today. So I was thinking, one little turn and we'll be in it up to our eyeballs....
I'm glad this week is almost over. More and more it's hard to go into work. But it's a must to have that green stuff to buy the needed stuff....
I was reading a friend's post and like many times through the years of reading friend's posts, a song will pop into my head, somehow related to the post but usually in a weird way that I connect the dots. Anyhoo here's a vid of that song, I haven't heard it in a long time so it was quite refreshing......

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday Thoughts

Well here it is Sunday already. Weekends go so fast. Still lots to do unpacking and organizing everything. BUT we got our sofas Saturday. Waited a long time. About 7 weeks I think. That's what I get for buying when the holiday sales are on! 
Since I left Multiply I don't blog much anymore. The main site I use I've not blogged for a very long time. Well now they written rules about blogging and one of them is like another site I tried. I got into a good argument there about it. That new rule is if admin. feels it's not a blog, it will be deleted without warning. Wth? How does this kinda rule really inspire people to write. I thought the site I tried was bad enough, especially since my first two blogs there got deleted without warning. Now to have the same crap on the main site I visit. Have people forgotten the art of blogging? Well some people I guess. The people I follow here are the greatest bloggers. 
Anyhoo enough rant, already can't wait for Spring, as I get older cold and snow just don't work for me.......