Saturday, March 28, 2020

Saturday 3-28-2020

And so it continues. Each day new cases of the Coronavirus. America now has the most. America delayed too long before steps were put in place to try to stop and slow down the spread of this virus. And still there is a long way to go before the virus peaks. Meanwhile Congress has passed a stimulus package to slow down economic destruction. 
We live in a funny world. Over the years with so much doomsday talk this virus isn't taken as seriously as it should be. Only time will tell how devastating it is. One thing is certain. The economic impact will be devastating.
So most of us are staying home, only going out for the necessary things we need to survive. Some have gone overboard and have hoarded many items thus denying many of us the things we surely need to get. I say to any of those people who are doing this, may you drown in all the things you have hoarded. 
So early this week was my birthday and someone suggested I should make it a week celebration. That seems to be the thing to do these days. So yes I sort of did. Of course there was nowhere to go or anyone to celebrate with.  But last Sunday I did get to celebrate it with my grand kids before the stay at home became official. We also celebrated our Christmas from last year since we couldn't do that at the time. I can't tell you how awesome that was. Nothing is more precious to us older folks than the grand children. I sure enjoyed myself. 
So this week I listened to some music I hadn't listened to in awhile. Here's one of the songs.....


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunday 3-15-2020

It's gotten really interesting since my last post. Scare and panic has set in around the world for a new strain of a virus. Also stupidity has come around. A lot of things are being closed. Concerts canceled. Even Playhouses are closed. Any place with a large gathering of people. Our schools are closed for an extended Spring break. Who knows maybe until the end of this school year. Most Universities are too but classes will continue online. And of course my age group is considered the most at risk. I think the whole thing is a bit overboard. Common sense tells you what you need to do. Like I've been saying, you can't stop living because of this outbreak. 
Since I'm now retired my risk is kind of minimal anyway. I'm no longer at work where I would no doubt get infected if someone there contracted the virus. There wasn't a lot of people that worked there but anything like a cold or flu would go around very easily there. Even if I was still there I wouldn't stop going to work just because of the fear of getting this virus.
Then you have people like these. Here's an article from Yahoo about the disgusting side of human nature. 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday 3-1-2020

Yes it's the 1st of March already. This year is passing faster than the last. It seems like it anyway. This is the part of the year that around here it seems Winter will never end. It hasn't been the worst of Winters but Winter is Winter. So lately I've been playing my guitar more, shaking off the rustiness from so many years not playing. My brother brought me some music books to learn some new techniques at the art of playing guitar. I'm learning to do finger picking. It's fun and very slow going for me to learn this new technique. Gives me good direction to enjoy what I used to  love for so many years...
While listening to some 60's songs of the Yardbirds, I found this instrumental that I had forgotten about. Some really nice licks from a young Eric Clapton. Enjoy....