Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunday 3-15-2020

It's gotten really interesting since my last post. Scare and panic has set in around the world for a new strain of a virus. Also stupidity has come around. A lot of things are being closed. Concerts canceled. Even Playhouses are closed. Any place with a large gathering of people. Our schools are closed for an extended Spring break. Who knows maybe until the end of this school year. Most Universities are too but classes will continue online. And of course my age group is considered the most at risk. I think the whole thing is a bit overboard. Common sense tells you what you need to do. Like I've been saying, you can't stop living because of this outbreak. 
Since I'm now retired my risk is kind of minimal anyway. I'm no longer at work where I would no doubt get infected if someone there contracted the virus. There wasn't a lot of people that worked there but anything like a cold or flu would go around very easily there. Even if I was still there I wouldn't stop going to work just because of the fear of getting this virus.
Then you have people like these. Here's an article from Yahoo about the disgusting side of human nature. 


  1. People have lost their minds over this. I have always kept my pantry stocked because I live in Florida and I learned a long time ago that I don't want to be a panic buyer when the next hurricane comes. But people going out now and buying whole pallets of things thus depriving other people is wrong in my humble opinion. Thankfully the stores are starting to put limits on how much people can buy. I don't know what to think about this virus, but I am not changing my life. I still go to work at my little part time job and will continue if and until they tell us we can't go out which I hope does not happen. That guy in the yahoo article is SO WRONG to do what he did. I understand buying toys or other non necessities and selling for a profit. That is one way to make money to support your family. But buying the hand sanitizer and trying to profit off of fear, well he should be shot!! If he was any kind of a decent human being, he would give it all away to people.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You're so right, people have lost their minds! Your pantry should be stocked no matter where you live. As you may remember, here in the Winter months there could be a nice snow storm preventing you from getting out to get supplies. Regardless anyone with common sense would know to have a pantry stocked.
      The guy in the article did it all for greed. He should be charged with extortion. Possibly attempted murder for denying others of what could be potential life threatening because of his actions. To profit from fear is nothing less than evil. I agree he should give the rest of his stock away. Sadly things are going to get worse before they get better. Our economy is going to be destroyed by all the panic and the actions of Federal and State authorities. If I was still at my job, I would be going to work as usual. Like I stated in this post. You can't stop living.
      I had to delete this so I could make a correction in a spelling error. One thing that has always bothered me about blogger is I can't edit my comment when I make a spelling error. For some reason the edit button has never worked.
