Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sunday's Ramble

Well my GF went back into the hospital Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The rehab facility is just awful. They didn't do anything for her and really they should be shut down. I write more about that at a later date. When she was sent over to dialysis Wednesday the team there found she was not in good shape at all. Her oxygen levels were low so they sent her to the ER. I did not find out until after I got home that she was there. At the rehab center after work they told me she was at dialysis. I was there to have her moved to a VA hospital. Now that's the plan after she leaves our local hospital. She's a vet btw. Saturday she seemed better. I helped her eat which is one of the things that she hasn't really been doing for the last month. This afternoon I helped her eat her lunch and she did pretty good. She wasn't doing so well today compared to yesterday. She was pretty tired so I've come back home while she gets some rest. I gotta tell you it's hard seeing the one you love in such a weakened condition. Just livin' day by day....
Have a great start to your week....

Sunday, November 19, 2017

This Sunday's Ramble

This morning it looks like my GF is not improving at all. She was moved to a rehab facility to help her get her strength back. She still isn't eating hardly anything. Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can get her doctor to visit her and get her. I think she needs to be moved someplace else. She told me today she hates the place and so do I. Not sure why she chose to go there and it was already decided before I got to put in any input. Life throws all kinds of things at you and this is one of the worst situations you can think of that happens. For me it's hard going. My mind is not on my job either. I took off a lot of days so I could see her when she was in the hospital. If I had that winning ticket I would quit working today. Before all of you get depressed reading all of this, let's move to the next paragraph.
One of my friends posted about the stupid things people do while driving. Well yesterday and today one of those happened that really annoys me. People not doing the speed limit. So two days in a row I'm behind some such driver. And this is what happens most of time. It happened yesterday and today. They are going slow enough that you know you won't make the green light ahead. You would if they were going the speed limit. So what happens, that slow moving car sees the light turn yellow and of course runs it while it turns red. WTH? Of course I've got to stop. It annoys the hell out of me since it would have been plenty green if the speed limit was followed. I could go on and on about stupid drivers but I think I'll just do this one until my next post. 😉
Hope your week starts with lots of smiles...till we meet again...
Image result for good week images

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sunday's Ramble

Finally my GF was discharged from the hospital today. She's still not doing that great. Mostly the ordeal of being in the hospital. It's going to be a long recovery. So glad to have her home. 
It warmed up a little today which is good after some pretty freezing days. Not much to say today really. I was going to comment about some of the driving I saw this weekend. Drivers are getting much worse. Everywhere. I'll write about some of the experiences I've seen lately in a future ramble. Meanwhile start your week with lots of smiles...

Friday, November 10, 2017

One Day At A Time

It's been a rough couple of weeks. My gf has been in the hospital since last week. There's a chance she may be discharged today or tomorrow. Still there will be a lot of work to do. You never know what to expect in life. Surprises happen all the time. Some grand and others sad. 
We can walk the road to eternity
Never knowing when it will be
Like the waves rolling on the sea
Just finding it's way for serenity 


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Sooner Or Later..A Ramble..

It's been one of those weeks. My gf is still in the hospital. I worry. And worry some more. Life always throws us the unexpected. So there's not really a whole lot to say in this ramble. I just hope she gets better very soon. At our age it takes longer to recover from any sickness etc. Our dog keeps wondering where she is. Now ramblin' on, here it is Saturday and a cool weekend. It's been a pretty cool week especially in the mornings. Plenty of rain too. The Fall is taking hold. So this morning, my usual thing is to go to the bank to get some cash. Not many people use cash anymore. But I like to for buying gas for the car or anything else that are simple purchases. At the grocery store I'm like everyone else, use the card..
So on my way back from the bank this morning, I was sitting at a red light and thought I'd take a quick picture of a pretty Fall colors. As you will be able to tell, good thing traffic isn't much at all. The light turned green about the time I took the picture. Taken from my phone....have a great weekend....