Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sunday's Ramble

Well my GF went back into the hospital Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The rehab facility is just awful. They didn't do anything for her and really they should be shut down. I write more about that at a later date. When she was sent over to dialysis Wednesday the team there found she was not in good shape at all. Her oxygen levels were low so they sent her to the ER. I did not find out until after I got home that she was there. At the rehab center after work they told me she was at dialysis. I was there to have her moved to a VA hospital. Now that's the plan after she leaves our local hospital. She's a vet btw. Saturday she seemed better. I helped her eat which is one of the things that she hasn't really been doing for the last month. This afternoon I helped her eat her lunch and she did pretty good. She wasn't doing so well today compared to yesterday. She was pretty tired so I've come back home while she gets some rest. I gotta tell you it's hard seeing the one you love in such a weakened condition. Just livin' day by day....
Have a great start to your week....


  1. Very sorry to hear this about your girlfriend. You are right, it is very hard to see the ones we love go through pain. I do hope she gets better soon, and I know she has strength in you, and thats a good thing.
