When it rains it pours. That's how the expression goes. Monday my GF is going to get a scan. Seems there is a blood clot in the fistula (the port in her arm where she is plugged in for dialysis). Hopefully it will go smoothly and it will be taken care of. She has a long way to go and I still have hope she will be home for Christmas. It's heartbreaking to see her in such a weakened condition. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers...till we meet again...
I'm sorry your gf is still doing so poorly. Both of you have been in my thoughts. Sending her loads of healing and comforting energies.
Thanks Jamie. It's a long road ahead.
DeleteSo how are things today? What did the scan show and is she still in the hospital? Keeping you both in my prayers and hoping she can come home to be with on way before Christmas.
They took care of the blood clot. Friday she was discharged from the hospital and is now in another Facility to do Physical therapy. Today she had some PT and I hope she can get her strength back and be home for Christmas.
DeletePlus today I'm going to skip doing a new Sunday Ramble and do one during the week with updates on how my GF is progressing.