Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sunday Ramble 3-11-18

An update: My gf is in another skilled nursing facility. They are working with more than the last two to get her back to strength. It seems all these places are slow to respond to their patients help light. Healthcare in this country is not all it's cracked up to be. Sad but true.
On my way Saturday to have our dog groomed I saw it. The sight you don't want to see. I was on the highway going about 60mph. As I was passing the car that was in the right lane I happened to look over. They were going just a little slower than I was. Well the driver was, yes that dreaded sight, looking at their cell phone. Why do people do that? What happened to common sense?? Anyhoo I honked my horn and passed them. As I looked in my rear view mirror the driver had stopped looking at their phone. At least for that moment....scary it is.......
Happy St. Patrick's Day! 


  1. I see that so often, the cell phone in front of their face when they are supposed to be watching the road. Or you get behind someone at a light and when it changes, they just sit there because they are on their phone. I wish they would outlaw using phones in the car and if you get caught you lose your right to drive. That is how much I hate it.

    My stepmother who was a nurse, told me that the patients in those facilities that get the best response and care are the ones whose families visit often. So I am sure you visit as much as you can and if she has other friends and family nearby, I hope they visit frequently also.

    1. I agree with you about using cell phones in your car. If losing your right to drive was law hopefully our roads would be safer.
      I don't visit my gf as often as I like because of work days. Sadly I'm her only visitor.

    2. I wasn't sure if you were able to get there on work days or not. I wish she could get home but it sounds not very hopeful, but maybe I am wrong about that? :-(

    3. I do get there after work every day. I'm hopeful she will be home soon. Day by day.
