Sunday, May 27, 2018

Sunday 5-27-18

It's been a rather warm weekend so far. Temps are in the 80's and they say 90 tomorrow. So far the big storms have passed us by. Just a few times of some spritz. It's all good....
So there it was on the counter
One little bright spot there
Out of place and lighter
I wonder, wonder where
Did it come from this thing
My finger would not fix it
That dot that wasn't a ring
That didn't seem to fit
So what am I to do
As I look beyond this one
Lo and behold I turn my view
From the window, it's a bit of sun.

5/27/18 Greg



  1. I've noticed that some of the northern states have been having warmer weather than we have here. It's been quite mild for the last couple of weeks. And I LOVE the poem!!

    1. Thanks Lia.
      You're right about it being warm up here. It's already in the 70's this morning. Actually we never got under 70 at all since last night.

  2. haha that's great Greg! It's been so long, I too, wonder what they firey ball in the sky is.

    1. Thanks Kat. Most of the time that golden globe isn't around , right?
