Christmas has come and gone. The anticipation of getting to Christmas day is wonderful and exciting. Then it is over what seems really quick. But the spirit of it lingers and how great would it be if that would last all year long.
This Christmas was different for me and about everybody. My family and me played it safe. So I didn't get to visit the kids and grandkids. We saw each other in other ways. Also this year was like I remember from my youth. It started snowing on Christmas Eve and continued through Christmas. I remember late at night as a kid on Christmas Eve looking out the window to see if I could spot Santa with the snow whipping around. And going to church on Christmas Eve to here the sermon about the meaning of Christmas.
So after many years this Christmas was a white Christmas after all something not seen for awhile. Here's a pic from early morning Christmas day the view of my neighborhood street from the taken from the sidewalk in the front of my house...