Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday 3-13-2022

 Well it seems Winter just doesn't want to end. Bitter cold today and another dusting of snow. This Winter reminds me of my youth. Winters were always long and very cold. We've been lucky the last couple of years with mild Winters. So I guess this one is just reminding us the way it is. 

Always a beautiful thing to carry you through the day is music. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday 3-4-2022

 Well there seems to be a new glitch with my blog. I cannot reply to anyone's comment on my posts nor can I add a comment either. I have no idea what is causing it, I hope it gets fixed. I did send a feedback about it but who knows if anyone even reads them. Anyway here we are the first Friday in March. It's also this time of year when we do our tax returns. Even when you're retired like I am....

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


 It's been awhile since I posted. It seems the world is even crazier than before. The invasion of the Ukraine is most disturbing. There's no real reason for it at all. This could be the start of WWIII. For along with the invading army, Putin has made it clear that nuclear weapons could be used. Many have asked why now this invasion? I don't think there's a clear answer to that. While our world has been further divided, it seems it's forgotten what all of us should be doing.

Sowing the seeds of love..