Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday 10-30-2022

 Halloween is tomorrow and I remember in my youth we would trick or treat for goodies meaning candy and other homemade treats. So much has changed since my youth. It was in the dark too we did our trick and treating. All that has changed. My neighborhood had trick or treat yesterday like many others. In the daylight hours. Always cool to see the the kids costumes. Anyway a song that has come synonymous with Halloween is this one from the 60's...


  1. I am sorry I didn't see this. I hate that they don't give us notices when someone posts. Anyway, we used to trick or treat in the dark and as we got a little older we didn't even have a parent with us. Maybe around 10 years old. Here they still go on Halloween night, but they start early, before dark. And parents are always with their kids.

    1. Darn the no notifications anyway. So now around here they have trick or treat the Saturday before Halloween. It's not everywhere in the state. Many still do on Halloween. Like everywhere, it's earlier than when we were kids and yes parents are always with the kids now. The sign of the times as they say.
