Sunday, September 20, 2015

Ramblin' Again

Well another week has gone by. It's cool today. Fall is working it's way in. Always love the Fall colors as the leaves look like painted masterpieces drifting to earth.
One of the things I used to post a lot about was driving. The insanity. Saw enough this week. The worst being as I left work. Sitting at the red light waiting for the left arrow to come on for my turn. It did and sure enough some stupid in the straight through lane took off too. Good thing I was paying attention or I would have been creamed. So I honked my horn and pointed to the arrow. The dude was oblivious to what he almost caused. It's bad out there. Driving has become a challenge. Nascar and Indy drivers are probably safer..
The I love personalized plates. I saw a good one while behind a car something like this one. LREDWGN



  1. Now you know why I am an "almost recluse". Too many crazy drivers out there. If ya don't die in an accident, you die from a heart attack seeing all the crazy things people do when they drive :-) Have a good week and enjoy your cooler weather. It is still hot as heck here. Sigh

    1. Well I'm pretty much the same when it comes to driving Lia. Just necessary driving like to work and to the grocery store etc. Places I need to go.
      Hope you get some cooler weather your way soon. Have a great week. (-:
