it's been a long time since I wrote a blog. This week just seemed to be
the one to write. Insanity came to our neighborhood. Seems at my alma
mater, the high school I went to; that a student brought a gun to
school. Luckily he gave it up without incident. Last thing I expected to
hear. At the school I went to when I was a kid. What happened? Where
did we go wrong? Somewhere along the line the world we knew disappeared.
Will we ever get it back? On that same note, sorta, I watched a
little of the Republican Debates. It was all out war and name calling.
Just like our talk shows. It was on CNN and that's pretty much how they
are for news and views lol. Guess we're in trouble all the way around.
There's really no one running I would put faith in to run this country,
neither Republican or Democrat. On that note, Spring is just around the corner....make yours a wonderful weekend.....
Instead of later, let's go sooner. On the Google+ side it was that strange journey that got me there. Long ago there was Youtube. As it began to grow I started an account there. Which I still have. Now the giant Google swallowed Youtube then forced everyone later to start a Google+. That wasn't enough, if you have a gmail account, they forced you too. You can shut it off more or less, but it's always there as long as you have the 2 things I mentioned..... Well the Grammys are on and I'm kinda ignoring most all of it. A lot of the artists on it really aren't that talented. What's gone wrong with all this stuff.....Between this and Beyonce with her Black Panther salute, just makes ya wonder where it all went wrong. Well one reason I'm thinking about this is because I was playing flashback songs on the weekend from the 60's. Whole different kinda stuff there. Most of the songs were hits from when I was a kid. So maybe I should call this Ramblin' Gamblin'.....