Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday 10-28-2019

It's hard to believe a year has almost gone by. Still in mind is like yesterday. In my thoughts everyday and forever..
The road ahead 
 Walking down the road
No place to go
A step for a step
No need to know
Soon a year will have gone by
Still the mornings I do sigh
Remembering time
Waits for no one
A day for a day
To see the sun
I wake up in this haze
Wishing for more days
A memory says hi
Where we used to be
Frozen in a moment
A wish to see
From there a star above
You were my angel, my love
10-9-2019 by Greg


  1. OH Greg, I know that she was looking down on you as you wrote these words and she is always there with you, in your heart, in spirit. I cannot believe it has been a year already. I know you miss her, but I know she wants you to keep on living and keeping on living does not mean you have forgotten her.

    I am gonna shut up because I never really know the right words, so here is a HUG for you and a wish that everyday is full of the beautiful memories of your LOVE.

    1. Thanks Lia. It's very hard to believe it will be a year next week. I am doing well. Just the first anniversary is a little rough.
