Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thursday 7-2-2020

It's been a long time since I wrote anything. I guess it's because I feel in limbo. We're all in a "Wait and see what happens" mode. Things have changed a lot since my last post. Mostly the weather going to extremes. From 30's in May to the 90's we're now in. And it's going to be a drought really. 90's from today to next Friday. High 80's all this week and no rain. Then all that is going on in our world. It's gone from bad to worse. And it's not going to get any better anytime soon. So mostly we've had plenty of time to post many posts but I think we're all just waiting. Waiting for better days. One thing that always makes us feel better is music. Remember that because it's all we have to get away from the problems that we face along with the world.....


  1. I agree, I think we all keep waiting, and waiting. But really we should be LIVING because who knows when our last day will be? Hope you are doing well Greg. Sorry I am late reading your blog. I haven't been here to check and just now saw it. Much love and hugs!

    1. No worries my friend. I haven't been around here either.
      Through all of this it's always been on my mind exactly what you said above. We can take precautions etc. but we need to keep on living! I believe the hardest part is everyone is seeing the great unknown. None of us have ever experienced anything like this. Thank you Lia. (((Hugs)))

  2. I agree with you Stacey. It's long from over too. (((Hugs)))
