I've been at my current job just over 11 years. My drive is much shorter than my previous job. So in the morning I listen to our classic rock station. Weather and traffic are important. A few times the radio has saved me from a traffic jam. Plus I like to guess at their contests. The new morning people are funny. I think this crew has been at it for about 3 years now. Now on the drive home I slip in a cd. One thing about the station. If you would listen to it all day, you would here most of the songs many times over. So on the weekends I tune in to an alternative station. Always something interesting catches my ear......may your weekend be filled with smiles.......
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Thoughts For Saturday
Another weekend about in the middle. My life is so routine. I bet people can set their watch to my outs and abouts. Since last week I've been trying to write a poem. It just hasn't come yet but ideas are floating around. I could name this post as a ramble but I thought I would use the thoughts like I did at Multiply between rambles. I could name it a ramble because I am Rambling on today....
I've been at my current job just over 11 years. My drive is much shorter than my previous job. So in the morning I listen to our classic rock station. Weather and traffic are important. A few times the radio has saved me from a traffic jam. Plus I like to guess at their contests. The new morning people are funny. I think this crew has been at it for about 3 years now. Now on the drive home I slip in a cd. One thing about the station. If you would listen to it all day, you would here most of the songs many times over. So on the weekends I tune in to an alternative station. Always something interesting catches my ear......may your weekend be filled with smiles.......
I've been at my current job just over 11 years. My drive is much shorter than my previous job. So in the morning I listen to our classic rock station. Weather and traffic are important. A few times the radio has saved me from a traffic jam. Plus I like to guess at their contests. The new morning people are funny. I think this crew has been at it for about 3 years now. Now on the drive home I slip in a cd. One thing about the station. If you would listen to it all day, you would here most of the songs many times over. So on the weekends I tune in to an alternative station. Always something interesting catches my ear......may your weekend be filled with smiles.......
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Nothing wrong with a little rambling here and there coming from the queen of ramble LOL. I don't listen to the radio much these days, even in the car, but when I do, it is usually talk radio for some reason even though I disagree with most of what they talk about ! Hey, most people live just routine lives, doing the same thing over and over . I try to break mine up a little by getting out wiht my camera every now and then. And I have been lucky enough to take a few trips over the years, but other than that, it is just a regular old life. Hope you have a great weekend sweetness. Hugss
ReplyDeleteFor me I can't handle talk radio. It goes back to when I had a long drive to work and just a radio in my car. I got off at 6 a.m. and talk radio was everywhere.
DeleteLove your photos. I rarely carry my camera with me so I miss a lot of good shots... have a fun weekend Lia. xxo