Saturday, August 8, 2015

Thoughts For Saturday

Another weekend about in the middle. My life is so routine. I bet people can set their watch to my outs and abouts. Since last week I've been trying to write a poem. It just hasn't come yet but ideas are floating around. I could name this post as a ramble but I thought I would use the thoughts like I did at Multiply between rambles. I could name it a ramble because I am Rambling on today....
I've been at my current job just over 11 years. My drive is much shorter than my previous job. So in the morning I listen to our classic rock station. Weather and traffic are important. A few times the radio has saved me from a traffic jam. Plus I like to guess at their contests. The new morning people are funny. I think this crew has been at it for about 3 years now. Now on the drive home I slip in a cd. One thing about the station. If you would listen to it all day, you would here most of the songs many times over. So on the weekends I tune in to an alternative station. Always something interesting catches my ear......may your weekend be filled with smiles.......


  1. Nothing wrong with a little rambling here and there coming from the queen of ramble LOL. I don't listen to the radio much these days, even in the car, but when I do, it is usually talk radio for some reason even though I disagree with most of what they talk about ! Hey, most people live just routine lives, doing the same thing over and over . I try to break mine up a little by getting out wiht my camera every now and then. And I have been lucky enough to take a few trips over the years, but other than that, it is just a regular old life. Hope you have a great weekend sweetness. Hugss

    1. For me I can't handle talk radio. It goes back to when I had a long drive to work and just a radio in my car. I got off at 6 a.m. and talk radio was everywhere.
      Love your photos. I rarely carry my camera with me so I miss a lot of good shots... have a fun weekend Lia. xxo
