Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday Ramble 3-25-18

I had thought my gf would be home sometime this week. Not sure all the reasons why it hasn't happened but Saturday is reason enough. She went to her dialysis treatment (The skilled nursing facility has a bus that takes her there). They couldn't do the treatment. It seems there may be some clots in the fistula that's in her arm. It's there because that's where they hook her up to the dialysis machine. It's better than not having it because of the way a person is hooked up without the fistula. Long story short, it's odd that there would be clots since it was cleaned out at the hospital a couple of months ago. So I'm wondering if the fistulas wear out. So the center said they would do something about it Monday which is tomorrow. Needless to say we're both upset about it. I can only guess that the hospital will have to take care of it. And that's stressful for her and me too. I won't know until tomorrow.
A couple days ago it was my birthday. I mention it because like every birthday that comes for me I like to reflect on how things have gone since the last one. I guess that's because I'm getting closer to the retirement age. The last couple of years have been really rough. A lot has happened and at sometime every day it's on my mind. Still I keep a positive attitude for life throws everything at you and you must take each moment as it is. Music always seems to help us make it through the day...till we meet again...



  1. Well first of all, Happy Birthday Greg! I am right behind you or either a little ahead of you depending on how old you just turned.

    I know that must be frustrating for you and your girlfriend, to be that close to coming home and find yet another problem. I hope it will get resolved and she can get back home where you will both be more at peace. Hugss

    1. Thank you Lia. I'm a few months older than you. I think that's why we love a lot of the same music. We grew up in an incredible time, things were a lot better in many ways compared to now.
      Yes it's very frustrating. I thought for sure my gf would be home sometime this week but alas so it goes. *Hugs*

  2. I'm pretty sure I did not wish you a happy birthday on FB. I've tried not to read most things and just play my candy games. So happy belated birthday! I hope you can retire! I am past retirement age and probably never will be able to totally retire (and that stinks). Poor planning and thinking I will never get old is my excuse. I hope your GF can get back home soon. Hugs

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Yesterday and today I'm under the weather. I hope I can retire when the day comes but I don't know if I'll be able to. I haven't planned that well myself. *Hugs*

  3. Happy belated Birthday. Dayum you and your girllfriend are having a struggle, I really hope things get better, and soon!

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! It's been a real struggle alright. Darn stressful too.
