Sunday, April 1, 2018

Ramble 4-1-18

This past week has been the worst. Wednesday the hospital cleaned out the fistula in my gf's arm. Later they started dialysis and her bp dropped and she became unresponsive. She has a breathing tube and with medicine the hospital was able to get her blood pressure back to normal. Currently she's is stable and is under sedation. This morning they turned that off and are waiting for her to wake so they can get the tube out. Extreme anxiety is why it has taken this long. I doubt she will remember any of us being there when she does awake. It's heartbreaking. Plus she will be starting over getting back to being able to come home. Somehow we carry on...
Happy Easter...


  1. dayum, it's just one thing after another my friend, so sorry you both are going through this...

    1. Thanks Raymond. It's been one nightmare after another.

  2. Oh no Greg! I'm so sorry to read this. I don't know how you keep going, but I know you stay strong for her sake. Thoughts and prayers that she will get well and come home soon. Hugss

    1. Thanks Lia. Somehow I keep going, don't know how sometimes. Today was really hard. *Hugs*
