Sunday, April 15, 2018

Ramble 4-15-18

Shades of sleep begin to fade away. Or was there any sleep? The shadows of midnight remain. Did I hear you call? Just wishful thinking in the deep of night. The silence is broken only by the rain tapping on the windows. I make my way to turn the coffee maker on. Another day before dawn. Is it still the weekend or the start of another week? All time runs together. Stuck in this endless loop. Going around and round and round. It all starts the same and ends the same in the shadows of midnight....


  1. sleep, the sustenance of life... how often I crave it...
    I never heard this song before, and truthfully don't want to again...

    1. I haven't slept good for a long time. Sorry you don't like the song. It's one of my favorites and the album it came from is also one of my favorites.

  2. Lovely writing Greg. Thoughtful and a bit sad...

    1. Thanks Lia. It's been rough for months and some of those thoughts came out on the keys.
