Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sunday 7-1-18

It's hard to believe it's July already. Well last week was about the same as the week before. Thankfully no ER visit. The heatwave is on here so we're both enjoying the air conditioning as our friend. 
My other G+ account, the mobile one, seems to be having problems. Sometimes when I log in it's blank. Sometimes if I swipe to scroll it appears. I never got a reply as to what would happen when it didn't work. They said by May 20th, well we're passed that. The model numbers were relatively recent that G+ would not work by the mail I got from them. I'm not about to upgrade to a newer phone just for that lol. Before you say it, yes I logged into my account on my computer. You know what happens then. I get an email from Google that my account was logged into from another device. Duh! If Google is sure certain models will no longer let the plus work, then wouldn't they expect a person would log in from somewhere else? 
Well it's a holiday week, may yours be the best...


  1. Google is a bit weird I guess lol. Still I prefer it to Facebook for a lot of reasons. I know what you mean about it being July already. Good grief my life is passing me by hahaha.

    Hope you have a nice holiday week and maybe see a few fireworks or at least light some sparklers :-) Hugs

    1. Google has been really acting weird lately. Thanks for your comment. Some people in the next block put on a real good fireworks show every year. (-:
      You have a great week too Lia. *Hugs*
