Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sunday 6-30-2019

Time just keeps on going. I bet you thought I was going to say "Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future." It seems the future is here before we know it. Sort of I guess. I've been thinking a lot about time lately. We all think of different ways to look at where we are at by time. Most on my mind was what was going on a year ago. Stop reading here if you don't want to read a repeat as they say of the last year. A year ago the love of my life was here at home. As it turned out she was only here at home for two months out of a whole year. I think of these things because for over thirty years life was about we. Somewhere that would be a good line for a poem. And time rolls on. Here it is the last day of June. Half of 2019 is gone already. Time is elusive, it truly slips away before you know it. "You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it." Charles Buxton
So we look at different times in our lives to define who we are. Our memories. So short is our time here compared to age of the universe around us. We must make the best of it while we can. I'm getting down from my soapbox now. A song from a long time ago....


  1. I know you miss her and always will but you still have your time here on Earth and I bet she would want you to keep living a full life. I think about time more and more the older I get. It seems to go by way too quickly these days. The years fly by 😞

    1. I am doing a lot better than I was at the beginning of 2019. But there are still those days that coping isn't as easy. I'm making good progress. They say time heals. I think it's more like as time goes by it becomes easier dealing with loss. We both are seeing time fly by. Seeing our grandkids not really kids anymore sure makes us think about time doesn't it?

    2. It really hasn't been that long since your lady passed so of course you have days where you still grieve. Heck I still grieve for my parents and my mom has been gone for 53 years!! But mostly now when I think of either parent, it is with comforting memories. In that respect, we always have our loved ones with us--- in our mind and in our heart 💖.
      It sure made me think about the passage of time when I watched my granddaughter graduate last month. Seems she was just born...

    3. I agree with you totally. My parents haven't been gone as long as your. They are forever in my heart.
      My grandson just got his driving license. My granddaughter will be starting her third year of college this Fall. Oh my how the time goes by. And it also seems to me they were just born. Seeing this makes me wish their grandmother (My gf) could see them now.
