Sunday, July 7, 2019

Sunday 7-7-2019

Here we are again already with the 4th of July weekend. I had a busy day for the 4th. First was an afternoon cook out with my step daughter and family. It's always awesome to spend time with the grandkids. We had a great time. We both wished her mom was here. Last year at this time she was at home. So after I got home, I went to my niece's for the fireworks show. A few houses away from them every year the people there do a big show. This year wasn't quite as big but the neighborhood was shooting off a lot of fireworks. Plus my brother brought a lot to set off to add to the show. I didn't get as many pictures this time and I didn't hardly any of the ones my brother brought with him. It was all in where I was standing. Anyhoo here's some I did get for your viewing pleasure...



  1. Wow, those are some great pictures. I assume taken with you phone? I was at Ponte Vedra beach for a couple of days. I will write about it this week. Glad you had a nice time. xoxox

    1. Thanks Lia. Yes they were taken with my phone. I really love the last one. I caught the pic just as the fireworks were about to fade away. I'll look for your adventures at Ponte Vedra xxo

    2. The last was my favorite too!
