Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday 10-30-2022

 Halloween is tomorrow and I remember in my youth we would trick or treat for goodies meaning candy and other homemade treats. So much has changed since my youth. It was in the dark too we did our trick and treating. All that has changed. My neighborhood had trick or treat yesterday like many others. In the daylight hours. Always cool to see the the kids costumes. Anyway a song that has come synonymous with Halloween is this one from the 60's...

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Tuesday 10-25-2022

 Since I retired it seems everyday runs together. I guess that is just the way it is. I tell my friends and family everyday is Saturday. Sometimes they find that amusing. 😊 Pretty soon my brother is going to retire. Hopefully we will see each other more often when that happens. 

I've always loved music and I was thinking the other day about how many songs I've heard through the years. Could it be a million? My taste in music varies, I love Classical almost as much as I like rock music. I still love the classic rock as it's now called the best. The other day I was remembering when I was in 6th grade and our class went to this camp for hiking and other activities. I remember one night around a campfire our teacher told some funny and some kinda spooky stories. Also I remember we sang this song at the end of the evening. I didn't recall all the words to it, I hadn't thought about this song at all since I was a child..

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday 9-25 2022

 Today a ramble. If you get lost in it remember I'm ramblin' on..

Here we are in Fall. Another year passing so quickly. Fall came on the day it was supposed to like a click of a switch from Mother Nature where I live. Not everywhere got the switch turned on in this country. And it's only 50/50 that it happens here. Imagine my surprise that it did. Most of last week it was around 70 degrees in the mornings. On the official day of Fall it was still around there but dropped into the 50's by afternoon. The morning after in the 40's. Go figure!

Being retired I'm home most of everyday. There is really nothing like home sweet home. Part of that was being retired and the shutdown from the pandemic. So now 2022. The knocks on my door. So a few weeks ago it was the Jehovah Witnesses. Then the the energy companies wanting you to go with there price. They ask to check out your bill to see if you have their service. Really? They are selling and I tell them all they are. pffft. 

Most of us when we get online we see the current happenings. My home page is Yahoo and it has articles from politics to celebrities goings on. I read some articles but most I see the headlines. So what is it with these women who are some sort of celebrity even if I never heard of them posting pics nude or see through clothes? No I don't see the photos if that is what you're thinking. I wonder why so much attention for them? Even older celebs posting their well built abs etc. or nude at 50 etc. Just makes me wonder. Just sayin'. 

This morning I was thinking about many things that happened to me throughout my life. Memories I hadn't thought of in years. I guess as we age our memories pop up in our minds for no particular reason and never in chronological order lol. One memory this morning got me thinking about the loneliness I feel sometimes to the life I knew with the special people who were with me on this life's journey. Sometimes you feel the pain and heartbreak and also the times of happiness. It's a circle of who we are.

When I was thinking of writing this post I had a song I thought of from many years ago...

Monday, September 5, 2022

Monday 9-5-2022

 Happy Labor Day! Wow seems like 2022 just started and here we are in September. Where did the Summer go? I haven't posted in a long time. I pray my friends are doing well here. Life gets busy, complicated and time seems to pass quickly even when you're standing still. I'm going to try to make a better effort to post something as the end of the year moves along. I've got some poems I'm working on but haven't quite finished. Maybe they will end in the scrap pile and new words will find their way from the keys. I'm doing well. This time of year are my annual appointments coming up for health and all that. As we get older we do pay more attention to all those aches and pains that may come and go. Keep the music going, for smiles and memories are intertwined in the songs..

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday 3-13-2022

 Well it seems Winter just doesn't want to end. Bitter cold today and another dusting of snow. This Winter reminds me of my youth. Winters were always long and very cold. We've been lucky the last couple of years with mild Winters. So I guess this one is just reminding us the way it is. 

Always a beautiful thing to carry you through the day is music. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday 3-4-2022

 Well there seems to be a new glitch with my blog. I cannot reply to anyone's comment on my posts nor can I add a comment either. I have no idea what is causing it, I hope it gets fixed. I did send a feedback about it but who knows if anyone even reads them. Anyway here we are the first Friday in March. It's also this time of year when we do our tax returns. Even when you're retired like I am....

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


 It's been awhile since I posted. It seems the world is even crazier than before. The invasion of the Ukraine is most disturbing. There's no real reason for it at all. This could be the start of WWIII. For along with the invading army, Putin has made it clear that nuclear weapons could be used. Many have asked why now this invasion? I don't think there's a clear answer to that. While our world has been further divided, it seems it's forgotten what all of us should be doing.

Sowing the seeds of love..