Last night something interesting happened on the other blog site I am on, myboomerplace. First some history. I followed my friends from Multiply there right before Multiply gave us the boot. In some ways it's like Multiply. You can design cool themes and you can post graphics in each friends guestbook. On Multiply and Myboomerplace I don't really know how to design much of a theme since I don't know how to write css code. But like Multiply there are those that design very well. One of them on Myboomerplace designed quite a few for the people on the site to use and that's where I copy and paste and Boo Yah...I got a cool theme.
One thing I can say about the sites I frequent now is I've met some really cool people that were on Multiply but I had never met them while I was on Multiply. So one of those people last night sends me a message asking if I had looked at the poetry blog contest winner's post. I had not so I went to see. It was a lovely poem and he had also sent me a link. As I looked at the comments he had posted the link there too. Well the guy who won the poetry post with this poem actually took it from another site (that was what the link was, the site the poem had originally been posted and the author), and claimed the credit for his own. The guy that sent me the link and had me looked had commented "Busted" and the link in the comment section. Today he told me he had also contacted administration about it. So I was a little surprised by all this. However it seems to me ever since I started on social sites it's always been a problem with some who like to steal and claim stuff as their own. So why do we stay around places like this? I think it's because all of us like to believe it's just a few bad apples.
Well the cold I picked up this week really threw me for a loop. I went in Friday to work and only made it a half hour. I'm feeling better than Friday but still not that good. Summer colds seem to hang on longer, wonder why that is....
Yes I stole, well copied this pic from the graphic site I use for my comments at social sites....have a great week.....
There was a woman over there in the asylum who used to steal poetry from people and try to pass it off as hers. I hate that people do that, but when you post something online, that is the chance you take, so if you ever plan on trying to have something published, don't post it online !!! I always try to cite the source when I put something up that is not mine. Like today I used Bette Midlers song to illustrate my rose picture. I had put "The Rose" and quotation marks around the words, but later went back and added that she had sung it. She actually didn't write it. I didn't want anyone to think I had written it. I thought it was quite familiar so everyone would know where it came from, but sometimes people don't. So always best to cite the source.
ReplyDeleteSorry you were not feeling well. Get better
I had thought it was from the song "The Rose" but it had been so long since I heard it I didn't recognize the verse right away. But I knew from the quotation marks it was. Even my first site Y360 there were stealers there. Sad people do that. Well I felt bad enough this morning I called off work..