Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sunday 5-12-2019

A full week has passed since I've retired from my job. I had a pretty busy week at my own pace. That's a good thing.  Yesterday I went golfing with my brother and his son. We all found the water hazards real easy lol. So today I've been looking at lots of pics taken over the years. A lot of old pics of my mom and dad and our family. And the pics of my love and our family through the years. So much time has passed. Looking at these pics made me realize how little time we really have in our lives. We don't think about that from day to day. And a lot of sadness for me today also. Thinking about all those special memories of my loved ones. This week I took a couple of pics from my backyard where my mom had one of her flower gardens. I'm not great at yard and flower arrangement so it's kinda out of control. I posted a pic from this before from a long time ago. She had a pretty statue in it and sometime this Winter it fell over. So my neighbors repositioned it to stand and keep a watchful eye on the garden. I was thinking it would be good for a pic of the garden today for this special Sunday. Happy Mother's Day! "There's no greater love than a Mother's Love."


  1. Mother's Day is always kind of bittersweet for me. Yes, I am a mom and my kids always honor me on Mother's Day, each in their own way, but I always miss my mom and feel like I got cheated out of so many years with her. I like the picture you posted.
    Now that you have time, maybe you can work out there in the garden and make it really beautiful... OR you can be like me and look at it and think about it and never get it done lol.
    Anyway, I hope you really enjoy retirement and find lots of things to do that YOU want to do.


    1. It's bittersweet for me too. And really bittersweet this one in particular.
      Thanks for the compliment on the picture. Hopefully with more blossoms I can snap another picture.
      Well so far I've done what you said last. Looked at it and thought about it lol. I've got lots to, I am enjoying my retirement! (((Hugs)))
