Sunday, July 2, 2017

Ramblin' for the holiday..

First I'll start this post kinda like last week. Beautiful weather. Hope it sticks around for the 4th. Hopefully the people down the street a short ways will put on another spectacular fireworks show. After we moved in here our first 4th they did a great show and the neighbor across the street told me they do every year. Last night I heard those early birds setting off their fireworks. It happens every year no matter where I've lived in this city. Early birds lol. 
Ok another note on the political world. Well Congress delayed their vote on a new health care package. I'm sure all the flack and some of them saying they would not support it in its current form made them delay. And once again from the WH come insults and attacks on that and the press too. Thanks to social media, the current Pres can tweet his stuff right away before his press secretary can stop it before damage can be done. Everyone should be asking themselves one question. "How long can we let this farce continue?" 
For me this weekend is a long one. My company is giving us The 3rd and 4th off thus making it a 4 day weekend. For me that means I only needed to burn 3 days vacation to have a paid week off. And boy do I need it. I'll be busy though getting the long needed tasks done around here. So much stuff was left of mom and dad's things that I haven't got around to distributing it to somewhere. I guess it's because working and looking after the house and my gf just takes so much of my time. By weeks end getting the usual things people do to keep their home in shape takes time and after a week's work I admit I am exhausted. The Golden Years as they are called aren't what any of us expect them to be. With the cost of things today it's always in the back of mind when I can actually retire. Still we carry on...
As I started this ramble, like any one of them, I've got ideas to write about. Then it takes a life of it's own and never stays with what those ideas were. Well sorta anyway. Yesterday I was messing with my phone trying to take some "selfies" and none of them came out that good. I need to get me another camera. I really miss having one since the other one broke. And I figure what did it in was the last place we lived. One day the ac went out and it took me a week to get management to fix it. Meanwhile it got really hot weather wise which made the apartment unbearable.  My gf was in a physical therapy facility so it was just me and the dog suffering through it. Anyhoo I think that's how my camera got ruined because I didn't think in time to take the batteries out. So the last thing I want to put in here today is a thank you to all of my readers. I keep calling these rambles because they sure are lol. Wishing a Happy 4th of July to all....



  1. I'm glad that you are getting some time off this week. All the regular upkeep of a household is enough and it can pile up without all the extras on top of it, so hopefully you will get time to get some of it done and also take time to rest and spend with your lady too.

    Did you see that selfie I posted earlier this week ? I liked it at first but the more I looked at it, I was like EWWW lol. So I took it down.

    Hey, I am glad you are writing once a week. I know with work and stuff you don't have time to sit and write all the time. I'm just happy that you take time to do it once a week.

    Have a great 4th my friend !

    1. Thanks Lia. If I don't get it all done it will be ok as long as I've got most of it out of the way before my vacation is over.
      I'm not sure if I saw your selfie this week or not. You know how the plus is. Lots of times I miss posts lol.
      I'm going to keep writing at least once a week. Sundays seem to work for me right now. I just need to come up with some better titles, right?
      Happy 4th of July to ya!
