Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday 4-28-2019

Hard to believe last post for April since I've only been doing a weekly one. Lots of memories floating in my head this past week. Things I haven't thought of in years about our lives together. Funny how those memories pop up. One week to go then my working days on the job are done. Doesn't mean I'm done working, I have lots of projects to get done here at home. It will be nice to not make that daily commute, though it's a short one compared to my last job. I'm looking forward to doing a lot of things I had put off for years. When I sit down to write these posts I have a general idea what I'm going to write about but it seems more words get punched out than I was thinking. One of those blogging mysteries. My department head said they will have a little party for me on Friday, my last day. A free meal for sure. Somewhere this week I thought of this song. One I haven't thought of for years....


  1. You will always have memories of your lady that will pop into your mind from time to time. I think that is God's way of letting us keep our loved ones with us even after they are gone. I still have memories of my mom that come to me when I least expect. They are comforting to me, to know part of her lives on in my mind.

    I always think of things to write, but then when I sit down to write, it all slips away. I need to go back to making notes like I used to do when I was an avid writer.

    Have a great week Greg!

    PS: I will listen to the song later when I am more awake :-)

    1. I agree with you totally. I still have memories of my mom and dad that pop into my head out of nowhere. And I agree they are comforting to me as well.
      I was thinking the same about taking notes again myself,
      Have a great week Lia!
