Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday 1-12-2020

It's been a wild roller coaster ride here with the weather. There was a pretty big storm here yesterday. Actually the storm has taken up much of the eastern part of the country. Well we didn't get all the rain that was predicted but wow the winds were awful Especially overnight. When I woke up today I realized my home had been uprooted and is now in Kansas. Auntie Em was right outside too. Just kidding! We broke a record. 70 degrees yesterday. Early this morning, 35 degrees. Go figure!
I saw some sad news yesterday. The passing of the drummer/percussionist of one of my all time favorite groups, Rush. Neil Peart was 67 and had been battling brain cancer for a number of years. No one knew that until yesterday. He also wrote the lyrics for all of Rush's songs. This morning on Deep Tracks Satellite  radio they were playing a tribute of their songs. This one is one of my favorites that they played....RIP....



  1. Glad you didn't end up in Kansas with Auntie Em LOL. But seriously, glad you are okay. Storms this time of year up there when the weather is warm can be really destructive.

    My cousin was a huge Rush fan so I am sure he is grieving today. He would go to everyone of their concerts that he was close enough to drive to! I guess we have to get used to people from the bands we knew back in the day dying. I mean they have to be our age or older!! Ugh, what a thought!!

  2. The wind was terrible. It kept me awake for awhile last night.
    I remember you telling me your cousin was a big Rush fan too. I only got to see them once. So talented for a trio.
    You're right, most of the musicians we grew up with are our age or older. Where has all the time gone?
