Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sunday 1-5-2020

As every new year begins we all hope for a better year. Just a few days into this year and hope has already vanished. Now we are at war with Iran. Though not officially declared, nonetheless we are at war. History repeats itself, humans never learn. The last time an assassination was carried out like this, it lead to World War One. Go figure....
California has had some awful fires but the fires in Australia are 10 times worse. I don't know how they will survive. 
And we still have those who don't believe in Global warming. I guess the big debate is if what humans have done have had an effect on it. Just a few days ago in Australia they recorded a record breaking temperature of 122 degrees. Can you imagine that? 
Still politics have divided our country enough that friends turn on friends. Family turns on family. Wasn't that an old plan of our enemies to make this happen?
Well sorry for such a downer of a post but this crazy world seems to get just a little crazier everyday...


  1. Hey Greg, yes, the year is not starting out very well. Nation agains nation, brother against brother. But it was all foretold long ago.

    The best we can do is love our neighbor, love one another, those close to us. Try to make our own little world a better place even as we watch the world going to hell. Okay, I am going to use that in one of my blogs, but it was first meant as a comment on your post!!

    Try to make the best of this year in spite of all the turmoil.

    Remember this from me--- You've got a friend in me.


    1. You are so right Lia. I think why I wrote this in the first place was because of the hope and love we feel on the holidays. Then just days after the new year, there it was. Like my friend I worked with years ago says "Same old thing, just a bigger pile."
      Yes use what you commented in your blog.
      You've always got a friend in me too. (((Hugs))))
