Thursday, January 30, 2020

Thursday 1-30-2020

The dog and pony show has continued today. I hope everyone is at least paying some attention to the Senate trial. This is big stuff and will affect this country for years to come. Yesterday's revelations were somewhat disturbing. When White house counsel was asked what date was the money froze to the Ukraine, their answer was they didn't have a date on record. The government doesn't have it on record? That smells of cover up. Second was one of the lawyers for the White House said if the President thinks it's in the country's best he should be re-elected then he is allowed to do anything he wants to get there. Really? Is this really a defense? 
I have to hand it to White House counsel Patrick Philbin. He's used that aged old strategy everyday before he speaks. The buttoning of the suit coat. It's an old legal startegy.
No matter where you are on this trial, ask yourself this question. Will justice be served? My opinion probably not. Before the trial even started Senator Mitch McConnell made it clear that it would end in the house. Already decided not to find a guilty verdict. Also each day new revelations come out. None have been taken seriously by the White House counsel. There should be something more to make this a really fair trial. Let's say the President is removed. It doesn't mean he won't be able to run for the 2020 election. The Senate can actually vote to remove him but not bar him from running in 2020. 
All in all like I said at the beginning of this post, it's a dog and pony show. My best guess is the trial will be over tomorrow. And speaking of the Presidency let's go back in time to an amusing song by Joe Walsh....



  1. I always think of Alice Cooper's Elected. :d What's not so hilarious is that Ukraine is now wanting to investigate Biden and his son. So, either party is fair to be guilty of a lot of things. With politics, you just have to judge who's the bigger liar and thief and then vote for the one who will cause the least amount of harm. If Biden, Sanders, Warren and that crew get into power, you might as well kiss your Bill of Rights and Constitution goodbye.

    1. You can't really believe any politician. Both parties have been eroding our Constitutional rights away. We need a real independent to step up and win the election.
      Ironically I thought about posting Elected cause I always think of that too but I opted for Vote For Me. Just because of this verse:
      If I was Vice President, know what I'd do?
      Pretty much anything I wanted to!
      (Vote for me! Vote for me!)

  2. I gave up on politicians a long time ago. I have been watching a good bit of it. I think they are ALL liars, both sides. Lies mixed with truths. This country is screwed either way, no matter what happens.

    1. I've said for years they are all crooks. They already decided before the trial part even started. I saw where one of the Senators said they know Trump is guilty but there is no reason to make waves because it's an election year. Go figure!
