Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tuesday 12-31-2019

Here we've come around again. The last day of 2019, a new year on the horizon. It has been a year of changes. Rediscovering who I am. I thank my family and friends and the grief counselor for moving me forward. Plus my friends here in this space. It takes time like we say "one day at a time". I've made a lot of progress but still have more to go. Let's make 2020 the best year ever. A song for you to shine hope on the coming year.......

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday 11-28-2019

It's a long time since I wrote anything here. I guess all the thoughts I've been thinking about just didn't want to be typed out. This is a long spell without writing considering I was trying to keep to a once a week schedule. A year has come and gone and here's another holiday without my lady. It's somewhat easier than a year ago. So I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. No matter what happens in our lives, still life is something to be thankful for. So once again I will spend this afternoon with my step daughter and the grands. Always a beautiful thing...

Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday 10-28-2019

It's hard to believe a year has almost gone by. Still in mind is like yesterday. In my thoughts everyday and forever..
The road ahead 
 Walking down the road
No place to go
A step for a step
No need to know
Soon a year will have gone by
Still the mornings I do sigh
Remembering time
Waits for no one
A day for a day
To see the sun
I wake up in this haze
Wishing for more days
A memory says hi
Where we used to be
Frozen in a moment
A wish to see
From there a star above
You were my angel, my love
10-9-2019 by Greg

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Saturday 9-14-2019

It's been a long time since I posted anything. Still making progress, one day at a time. An old friend of mine came into town this week for his high school reunion tonight. So Friday I met up with him for lunch. It was the greatest. We got caught up with about everything. It's the funniest thing the way people are. It's been almost 20 years I think since I last saw him and when we sat down to have lunch it seemed like it was just yesterday that we were talking. I don't know why that is but it seems even distance and years just disappear when you see an old friend. Well this is another short one, just moving along down the highway of life...here's another classic...

Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday 8-30-2019

It's almost the end of August already. Where has this year gone? Soon Summer will be over too. Fall will be welcome but that dastardly Winter will come again. It's been a pretty good Summer, many hot days for sure. Much better since I retired. I don't have to melt at work and as hot as it has been I sure I would have. This week we had some cool mornings. Perfect to have the doors open and get some fresh air instead of just the AC. Monday there was a knock on the door. It was a woman who had a tablet in her hand. She shared a quote from the Bible. I can't remember which book it came out of or whether she said where she was from. And that was it, just two minutes to share an inspirational word to a stranger. She left no information of a church she probably belonged to or anything else. Wherever she came from I thought it was nice thing to do. 
So as usual I've been listening to the 60's station on Sirius and those years had so much great music. I could post some 20 videos but don't worry I won't. Every time I listen I think "that's a good song to put in my blog". So I will go with one from today. Happy Labor Day..

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sunday 8-11-2019

It's August 11, 2019. What?? This year is flying by now. Time has sped up. Seems like it anyway. Another wonderful week here. The Summer wanted at long last. Another round of golf yesterday with my brother and nephew. Good times. Like usual when I sit down to write a post, I'm never sure what I'm going to tap on the keys. I've been enjoying this retirement so much that I can't seem to come up with new ideas for a post. So I'll use old ideas. I've been listening to this 60's station when I take off in my car and am really enjoying the songs from the past. More so than many that are the new artists these days. Also I tune in to a channel called the Coffee House. It plays acoustic songs. Many by new artists and a better version of their songs than their pop radio versions. Back to the 60's. Here's one just about everyone knows. It was not only a 60's hit but was and is performed by many artists. I don't even know if this 60's version I'm about to post is the original or not but it was the one that became a hit. You've also heard this song in many tv shows and movies. That's it for this week's post. Until next time. Peace, Love and Rock n' Roll...

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday 8-4-2019

I took Sunday to heart this week. Just relaxed most of the day until I went golfing with my brother and nephew this afternoon. We're getting a real pleasant Summer now. At least this week. Not real hot, not real humid. Dry and lots of sunshine. There were lots of clouds today which made it pretty cool with the sun peaking out from behind them. Pretty clouds. There's only so many days a year you see pretty clouds and sun. Anyhoo I went backwards with my golf game today. My worst score in weeks. Still it was fun.
There was that reality this morning watching the news. The sick world which we live in reared its ugly head. Two mass shootings so close together. One in the state I live in.  Why don't these monsters just shoot themselves instead of destroying other peoples lives. There should be no mercy. Destroy the monsters right away. It's no wonder they exist. With so much hate talk going on in the present. Sorry for the rant but this stuff just makes me crazy.
Around a month ago I think I signed up for Sirius radio in my car. For years I've gotten deals from them begging me to. I've always ignored them This one was better and it also will not auto renew when the offer is over. So I am paying around $4 a month for hundreds of stations. Like cable tv and that stuff, there's only so many that are of interest. Basically I've been listening to the 60's station for the last two weeks. There's a lot of songs I didn't remember and many I never knew the titles or artist. I was a kid in 60's lol. So to finish this blog off here's one I remember the group and their other songs pretty well but this one I didn't remember the title. Let me take you back to the past. When music was the best....

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sunday 7-28-2019

At last it has been pleasant here weather wise. The last three days have been dry with lots of sunshine and lower humidity. This is the way I remember Summer when I was a kid. The hottest days yet to come. August was always a heatwave compared to the rest of the Summer. Well it hasn't been that way for a long time. The changes in weather patterns is so bizarre these days. Now that you're completely bored with the weather report, yesterday I went golfing once again with my brother and my nephew. I'm improving but I'm still a terrible golfer. Yet it's something I always said would be nice if a person wasn't working. It's some exercise and you're outside enjoying the pretty days we can have here on Earth. The bonus part is spending time with some of my family. Like always we stopped for breakfast afterwards at the local diner. Doesn't get much better than that! Be well and enjoy life's precious moments...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday 7-19-2019

Some things just make you giggle anymore. Yesterday I got a phone call. I didn't know the number so I didn't pick up. Later I saw I had a voice message. It was Microsoft calling me to let me know that my computer would stop working that day. They gave me a number to call. I couldn't help but laugh. If you're reading this you know it was another scam. It seems there are more criminals out there than us law abiding citizens. I was talking with a friend of mine last night and we talked about this stuff. What a world we live in today. You can be robbed of everything without seeing who is robbing you nor even having a gun put in your face. Where did it all go wrong? In case you are wondering, no I didn't call the number they left for me lol. And what do you know? My computer is still working...
I've been listening to a radio station that plays the 60's music. That was really the best years of music. So if I can find the song on Youtube that I heard yesterday that brought back memories, I'll post it below...

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Sunday 7-7-2019

Here we are again already with the 4th of July weekend. I had a busy day for the 4th. First was an afternoon cook out with my step daughter and family. It's always awesome to spend time with the grandkids. We had a great time. We both wished her mom was here. Last year at this time she was at home. So after I got home, I went to my niece's for the fireworks show. A few houses away from them every year the people there do a big show. This year wasn't quite as big but the neighborhood was shooting off a lot of fireworks. Plus my brother brought a lot to set off to add to the show. I didn't get as many pictures this time and I didn't hardly any of the ones my brother brought with him. It was all in where I was standing. Anyhoo here's some I did get for your viewing pleasure...


Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sunday 6-30-2019

Time just keeps on going. I bet you thought I was going to say "Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future." It seems the future is here before we know it. Sort of I guess. I've been thinking a lot about time lately. We all think of different ways to look at where we are at by time. Most on my mind was what was going on a year ago. Stop reading here if you don't want to read a repeat as they say of the last year. A year ago the love of my life was here at home. As it turned out she was only here at home for two months out of a whole year. I think of these things because for over thirty years life was about we. Somewhere that would be a good line for a poem. And time rolls on. Here it is the last day of June. Half of 2019 is gone already. Time is elusive, it truly slips away before you know it. "You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it." Charles Buxton
So we look at different times in our lives to define who we are. Our memories. So short is our time here compared to age of the universe around us. We must make the best of it while we can. I'm getting down from my soapbox now. A song from a long time ago....

Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday 6-24-2019

Over the weekend I went to a wine festival at a local vineyard. It was a Summer Solstice festival. Along with sampling some wines there was plenty of music. One was Alex Bevan a local celebrity from the Cleveland area. The other two bands I didn't know but they were also great. It was a really good day. For once the weather cooperated and was pleasantly sunny and rain free. I took some pics while I was at it. I'll put one in here of Alex and if I can find a video, a song by Biscuit Miller and the Mix that they played at the festival. A good time was had by all!
Alex Bevan
And a vid by Biscuit Miller..

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wednesday 6-19-2019

We sail through life
Destination unknown
Never arriving there
Seen all alone
Wind and water
A course will change
Stealing the moments
Sometimes so strange
To each his own
Life's free zone
6/19/2019 by Greg

Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday 6-7-2019

Lately I haven't felt much like writing. Hopefully some things will come to mind as I tap on the keys. I must say retirement is nice. I've been kind of lazy this week. There's lots to do around here but it feels nice just to go at one's own pace. So for the finale of this blog, a song...

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sunday 5-26-2019

It was another pretty busy week. The good thing is I can take a break at anytime. Plus I'll never be late! I went golfing with my brother and nephew this week. The one day we made plans for it was the best day of the week as far as weather goes. I did get a little sunburned, I'll have to remember sunscreen next time. Also was my grandson's birthday. He turned 16. Yes 16! Where does all the time go? Next month his sister will be 20. Time sure blows on by like a flash. It was a nice party for him and I'm really enjoying all the family time now that I'm retired. Here's a pic of the birthday boy....
Till next time...carry on...

Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday 5-20-2019

Well I'm posting Monday instead of Sunday. It was a busy week for me. It's ironic but I'm busier now that I'm retired. Makes me wonder how I had time for a job lol. Last week I went to watch my grandson compete in his school track meets. It was pretty awesome. Then Sunday I went to a birthday party for my great niece and nephew. These are the good things about being retired. Being able to spend more time with family. I'm slowly getting things done around the house. Taking my time. So here's a pic from the track meet. Their team did pretty good but was out done by another school who seemed to have the quick silver. Plus on one event my grandson's team for sure would have had victory but the last baton was not passed in the right amount of time given. Still the whole meet was great. It was the first I could get to see since now I had no job to be anywhere but there.....

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sunday 5-12-2019

A full week has passed since I've retired from my job. I had a pretty busy week at my own pace. That's a good thing.  Yesterday I went golfing with my brother and his son. We all found the water hazards real easy lol. So today I've been looking at lots of pics taken over the years. A lot of old pics of my mom and dad and our family. And the pics of my love and our family through the years. So much time has passed. Looking at these pics made me realize how little time we really have in our lives. We don't think about that from day to day. And a lot of sadness for me today also. Thinking about all those special memories of my loved ones. This week I took a couple of pics from my backyard where my mom had one of her flower gardens. I'm not great at yard and flower arrangement so it's kinda out of control. I posted a pic from this before from a long time ago. She had a pretty statue in it and sometime this Winter it fell over. So my neighbors repositioned it to stand and keep a watchful eye on the garden. I was thinking it would be good for a pic of the garden today for this special Sunday. Happy Mother's Day! "There's no greater love than a Mother's Love."

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sunday 5-5-2019

It's now official. As of Friday I am retired. It hasn't quite sunk in yet, this being a weekend but Monday I'm sure it will when I wake and realize I don't have to head off to work. It's kind of bitter sweet in many ways. Yet I'm comfortable I've made the right decision to retire. I'll still be busy, lots of unfinished business here at home. Yesterday I met my stepdaughter and her husband for dinner to celebrate my retirement. That was so nice. Soon they will be taking a vacation to Florida once again. I think this is the third time they have escaped here for the beach and fun. Till next time..a blast from the past...

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday 4-28-2019

Hard to believe last post for April since I've only been doing a weekly one. Lots of memories floating in my head this past week. Things I haven't thought of in years about our lives together. Funny how those memories pop up. One week to go then my working days on the job are done. Doesn't mean I'm done working, I have lots of projects to get done here at home. It will be nice to not make that daily commute, though it's a short one compared to my last job. I'm looking forward to doing a lot of things I had put off for years. When I sit down to write these posts I have a general idea what I'm going to write about but it seems more words get punched out than I was thinking. One of those blogging mysteries. My department head said they will have a little party for me on Friday, my last day. A free meal for sure. Somewhere this week I thought of this song. One I haven't thought of for years....

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Sunday 4-21-2019

This year is going pretty quickly. It is Easter already. It must be true what they say, "the older you get, the faster time goes by." I'm going to my step daughter's for Easter dinner and will enjoy an afternoon with her and her husband and the grand kids. The kids are so grown up now. I must have blinked or something lol.
So I've been getting "all my ducks in a row" as they say and I am going to take an early retirement. I feel it's the perfect time with all that's happened the last year or so. A good time while I'm still pretty healthy and can enjoy my life. Everything's changed  for me as everyone knows who have read my posts here, I feel it's time. Plus I can get all the things done I've putting off for years.
I wish you a Happy Easter and leave with a short video of one of my favorite drummers doing his thing. He makes it look so easy....

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday 4-14-2019

Last night I thought I would listen to the second Bad Company album. I hadn't listened to the entire album for a long time. There's three songs on it you can constantly here on the radio on the classic rock stations. So I thought I'd look up some info on the album. Here it got mixed reviews when it was released. Most didn't care for the song written by the drummer. Plus the reviews seemed to think it was a let down from their debut album. One said they shouldn't be called a hard rock band. Whatever writer said that seemed to me must be clueless about music. I just considered Bad Company a Rock n Roll band. I wonder what writer labeled them a hard rock band? For me I liked their first album better as a whole but there are those songs on the second album that will blow you away. After all it has one of the greatest rock ballads of all time with the song Shooting Star. It's still played a lot on those classic rock stations. So I thought I'd feature the song that the critics didn't like in this blog...

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sunday 4-7-2019

Last Sunday I went to a concert with a friend from work. What a great show. It was at one the smaller venues which is perfect. We went to see Jon Anderson who was the lead singer for years with the band Yes. Besides the Beatles he's my all time favorite singer. It was the second show of his new 1000 Hands tour. And the release of his 1000 Hands cd. Thirty years in the making. He had some tapes sitting around in his garage that he had started working on thirty years ago then he got busy. Plus he added some new songs. It sounds like all the songs were recorded just yesterday. And of course he did Yes stuff too. It was an awesome concert. He still has a lot of energy for a man in his seventies. Anyhoo I tried to take some pics but they didn't turn out too good. Phone cameras are limited but here's one anyway.
And here's one of his new songs.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday 3-24-2019

Yesterday another milestone. Time goes by quickly. Tick Tock. Except the few minutes you're waiting to leave work and that seems like an eternity. So I thought of an old song considered a classic now to celebrate the milestone. Back when I was just a kid and heard this song, I thought that age was a long long ways away. It seems from then till now life passed in a flash. Precious are our moments here on Earth.....

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday 3-17-2019

Sometime this week a song popped into my head. Then another and thoughts about the musicians. So it got me to thinking about Hal Blaine. He was a studio musician who played drums on many of the songs I grew up with. So I looked him up on Wednesday. He's credited with 35,000 sessions and 6,000 singles. I was quite amazed. The two albums I remember his work on are Bookends by Simon and Garfunkel and Homecoming by America. On reading more about him (Gotta love Google and Wikipedia) I saw he had just passed away at age 90. Two days before I looked him up. It was one of those weird moments. Thinking about him and learning he just passed away. Another weird thing is I didn't see anything about it on the news sites or on the tv news. With this much work to his name one would think there would be some mention of his passing. Or maybe I missed it on the tv news but I know I saw it nowhere on Yahoo that I view every morning. Anyhoo one of my favorite songs that he plays on is California Revisited. Here's a video of the song to honor the memory of one of the greatest American drummers of all time. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday 3-10-2019

First I have to make a correction about my last post. I'm not your steppin' stone was written by Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart. This songwriting duo wrote a lot of the Monkees songs and hits. The Neil Diamond song I was thinking of was I'm a believer. A big hit for the Monkees. They did a few Neil Diamond songs. Last night I was listening to a greatest hits cd by the Monkees and wow I forgot how good some of the songs are even today. I also learned something I didn't know about the song the Last train to Clarksville. It's about a young man leaving to go to Vietnam. A lot of young lives were cut short in that war and nothing was good about it at all. Anyhoo to further tribute to the Monkees, here's another song by Neil Diamond that they did besides I'm a Believer....

 I find myself looking
I find myself thinking
I find myself bleeding
I find myself needing

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sunday 3-3-2019

This week we lost Peter Tork of the Monkees. Back in the mid 60's this made for tv musical group The Monkees  provided us growing up with lots of laughter. Much has been written about them not playing any musical instruments on their early recordings. However when they were allowed to do their own thing they surprised the giant recording industry at their excellence. I found this video from the Tonight Show that shows just how talented they became.  This version of their classic hit written by Neil Diamond  will get you rockin'......

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday 2-24-2019

As the days go by not much changes. Every morning awakening to sadness. Weekends are tougher now than before. I can't help but grieve for my two losses in an empty house. Sometimes silence isn't golden. Still...just one day at a time....

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday 2-17-19

Another day of sadness
Fills the morning sky
Lost far in my mind
I can only sigh
The days are very long
Sometimes too much to see
Drawn in loneliness
Oh how can it be
Only a day at a time
As life moves so slow
A thousand memories
Seem to come and go
Will I sleep once again
Dreaming of before
Frozen there in time
Of the open door
So goes the way
Just another day..

By Greg 2-17-19

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday 2-10-2019

Not much to say this week. I'm like in a fog these days. Everything seems out of whack. So I'll post a song that's a classic because I've been thinking a lot about Yesterdays.....

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Saturday 2-2-2019

Last Sunday was another blow to me. Our dog got real sick and I took him to the pet emergency room. Sadly he was never going to be the same and went to sleep on January 27, 2019. They told me he probably had a stroke. There were other issues too. One was he forgot how to work his hind legs. He would have been 12 years old in April. It's a big blow since he passed just a few months after my girlfriend. It's heartbreaking. Now my immediate family of three is but one me. On the bright side they are walking together once again. So here's one of the last pics I took of him the day before after we got home from his bath...

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday 1-20-19

Yesterday the biggest snow storm of the year around here blew through. It's not done yet. It's going to take me quite awhile to dig out. A little at a time because this is also heavy snow and now I have to deal with drifting and 0 degrees wind chill. Just another lovely day here in northeast Ohio. Here's a morning shot...
The tracks are on the side walk in front of my house of our dog and me early this morning..Have a great week, I hear more snow coming during this week. Winter is digging in or burying us lol...

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday 1-6-2019

Well we've been into the new year for a week. Nothing much has changed at all. The world still is insane. So nothing much to say yet this year in this blog. One day at a time. So enjoy the song, a blast from the past....